Our partners

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Civil Society Organizations/Women’s organizations

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United Nations Partners

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Our event

On 2 March 2023, mobilized by UN Women, UN system in China paid a joint visit to the Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPS) of the Chinese Academy of Science. Representatives and colleagues from 10 UN agencies visited the HEPSlab and had an a round table conversation with leading female scientists, young researchers, and students. This event formed a part the 2023 International Women's Day campaign, themed "DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality". Credit: UN Women China/ Liming Tian

Key numbers


We worked with nearly 50 media partners on over a hundred news reports and stories every year.


The number of followers of UN Women China onWeibo and WeChat platforms has reached over 600,000 in total.


In 2022, we have garnered over 155 million views in total on social media

Goodwill Ambassadors

A photo of Hai Qing, a well know Chinese actress and National UN Women Ambassador for China. She is looking at the camera with a white shirt and white background.
Qing Hai

One of China’s most well-known actresses, Hai Qing was appointed National UN Women Ambassador for China on 22 October 2015 at a high-profile event in Hangzhou, China. She will serve to promote gender equality and use her influence to garner public attention on gender issues and ending discrimination and violence against women in society.

“Firstly, I would like to thank UN Women for appointing me as its National Ambassador and for enabling me to work together with them to fight for the rights and interests of women all over the world,” Hai Qing said during the appointment ceremony. “I believe ‘gender equality’ is not just something that exists virtually in a slogan. It is about making it a reality. And I encourage everyone in the world to work hard towards getting women the same treatment and respect as men, whether in the family or in society.” 

A photo of Dawei Tong, a famous Chinese actor. He is wearing a grey suit with a black tie and is against a white background.
Dawei Tong

Acclaimed Chinese actor Tong Dawei was appointed National UN Women Ambassador for China in November 2016. As a National Ambassador, he uses his influence to create awareness about gender issues and to promote equality between men and women both in China and internationally.

Mr. Tong Dawei is a committed gender equality advocate. At a HeForShe event at the Central University of Finance and Economics, he invited men to become advocates of gender equality and stated: "Previously, I had misunderstood HeForShe and gender equality, as in China, many people think women are already 'holding up half the sky,' especially at home." Later, I began to consider this topic more carefully and after talking with officials at UN Women, I realized that women should be given more chances to develop their full potential in society, instead of only at home. Women should not have to fight for their causes alone.”